Minggu, 31 Mei 2009

RabiatulAdawiah (part 2)

Rabi'ah is the fourth child of four siblings. All women. His father named Rabi'ah, which means "four", not because it is the fourth of four children of his brother. Once upon a time his father prayed that he was a boy. The desire to have sons because the family Rabi'ah not including the family rich, but well short of the life and suffering full. Every day his father often sweat to extort support his family, while her children at that time is relatively small. Moreover, the presence of Rabi'ah, suffering the burden of his father, also felt the increased weight, so that later when the child was male, it is expected that the burden of suffering will be reduced because the boys can protect the entire family. Or at least can help to find his father's livelihood.

Even if the family is in the life of a lack of self, but my father always Rabi'ah life zuhud and piety. Rabi'ah is so, since even the small to completely lack dewasanya life, but it is not menciutkan heart to continue to worship God. Instead, he made the destitution of his family as a key to enter the Sufi, who then melegendakan named as one of the martyrdom of women in Sufi history row between the Sufi.

Rabi'ah is the fourth child of four siblings. All women. His father named Rabi'ah, which means "four", not because it is the fourth of four children of his brother. Once upon a time his father prayed that he was a boy. The desire to have sons because the family Rabi'ah not including the family rich, but well short of the life and suffering full. Every day his father often sweat to extort support his family, while her children at that time is relatively small. Moreover, the presence of Rabi'ah, suffering the burden of his father, also felt the increased weight, so that later when the child was male, it is expected that the burden of suffering will be reduced because the boys can protect the entire family. Or at least can help to find his father's livelihood.

Even if the family is in the life of a lack of self, but my father always Rabi'ah life zuhud and piety. Rabi'ah is so, since even the small to completely lack dewasanya life, but it is not menciutkan heart to continue to worship God. Instead, he made the destitution of his family as a key to enter the Sufi, who then melegendakan named as one of the martyrdom of women in Sufi history row between the Sufi.

Rabiatul Adawiah Recognize the Love of God

Part 1

Whilom, Rabiah al-Adawiyah eat together with their families. Partake of food before the meal is available, Rabi'ah see his father and said, "My father, who will not be forever forbidden to be lawful. Moreover, because the father felt obliged to support us. "My father and mother by surprise to hear the words Rabi'ah. Food that is not in the mouth, so eventually eaten. He viewpoints Rabi'ah ray emission with the soft eyes, full of love. A smile, the father said, "Rabi'ah, how thou, if no more that we can get the goods unless forbidden?" Rabi'ah said: "Let us just keep hunger in the world, this is better than we menahannya later in the Hereafter in the Fire. "His father, of course, very astonished to hear Rabi'ah answers, because answers like that only didengarnya the senate-chamber which was attended by the Sufi or the righteous. Not thought by his father, that Rabi'ah young was thought to show maturity and have high morals (Abdul Mu'in Qandil).

Fragment on the actual story is only part of the glory of morals Rabi'ah al-Adawiyah, a Sufi woman of the name and teachings-ajarannya has been inspired for the lovers of God. Rabi'ah is a Sufi legendaries. History of life expressed by many different people, in the Sufi world and academia. Rabi'ah Sufi is the first to introduce the teachings Mahabbah (Love) of God, a ladder (maqam), or the levels passed by a salik (facer divine way). Rabi'ah Besides al-Adawiyah, another Sufi who introduced the teachings mahabbah is Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, a Sufi poet born in Persia 604 years H/1207 M and died 672 years H/1273 M. Jalaluddin Rumi introduce many concepts Mahabbah through syai'ir-sya'irnya, especially in Matsnawi and Syria Diwan-i-i Tabriz.

Whilom, Rabiah al-Adawiyah eat together with their families. Partake of food before the meal is available, Rabi'ah see his father and said, "My father, who will not be forever forbidden to be lawful. Moreover, because the father felt obliged to support us. "My father and mother by surprise to hear the words Rabi'ah. Food that is not in the mouth, so eventually eaten. He viewpoints Rabi'ah ray emission with the soft eyes, full of love. A smile, the father said, "Rabi'ah, how thou, if no more that we can get the goods unless forbidden?" Rabi'ah said: "Let us just keep hunger in the world, this is better than we menahannya later in the Hereafter in the Fire. "His father, of course, very astonished to hear Rabi'ah answers, because answers like that only didengarnya the senate-chamber which was attended by the Sufi or the righteous. Not thought by his father, that Rabi'ah young was thought to show maturity and have high morals (Abdul Mu'in Qandil).

Fragment on the actual story is only part of the glory of morals Rabi'ah al-Adawiyah, a Sufi woman of the name and teachings-ajarannya has been inspired for the lovers of God. Rabi'ah is a Sufi legendaries. History of life expressed by many different people, in the Sufi world and academia. Rabi'ah Sufi is the first to introduce the teachings Mahabbah (Love) of God, a ladder (maqam), or the levels passed by a salik (facer divine way). Rabi'ah Besides al-Adawiyah, another Sufi who introduced the teachings mahabbah is Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, a Sufi poet born in Persia 604 years H/1207 M and died 672 years H/1273 M. Jalaluddin Rumi introduce many concepts Mahabbah through syai'ir-sya'irnya, especially in Matsnawi and Syria Diwan-i-i Tabriz.

Senin, 11 Mei 2009

The Desire

By : Fahmi Islam Jiwanto, MA

Human life and driven by the desire. Time and all that belongs to human consumption and is used to realize the desire. But a question off this axiomatic fact; namely kenginan such as what and who should desire to follow?

With its position in the human desire divided into several groups:

First, the man who only wants to follow him. Nothing important for him except that he would like. Perhaps he thought himself free. Merdeka determine that all he wants. Also free to think what he imagined. Independence is important to form personality. Without a man's independence is just a number that is not too important in the middle of the billions of human beings. But there is limit independence. Man who does not tend to limit themselves selfish and egocentric. Even more al-Qur'an mentions this as a human being like the human sex nafsunya worship. He said in the letter of al-Jatsiyah paragraph 23:

23. "So did you see the person who made the sex nafsunya as his Lord and God membiarkannya based on science, and God has sealed their hearts and hearing and put veils on penglihatannya? So who will be guided after God (membiarkannya astray). So why do you not remember? "(QS Al-Jatsiyah: 23)

Rasulullah SAW also mentions that people only follow nafsunya sex as the person who is weak.
“Barang siapa yang menjadikan pikiran-pikirannya menjadi satu pikiran yaitu pikiran akhirat, Allah cukupkan masalah dunianya. Dan barang siapa yang pikirannya bercabang-cabang di urusan dunia, Allah tidak perduli di lembah dunia mana dia akan binasa.” (HR Ibnu Majah dan al-Hakim dihasankan oleh al-Albani)

Semoga Allah menyelamatkan kita dari musibah seperti itu.

Keempat, manusia yang menenggelamkan dirinya dalam keinginan Sang Pencipta. Dia hanya menginginkan keridhoan Allah. Dia tahu bahwa dia hanya makhluk yang diciptakan untuk beribadah kepada-Nya. Manusia golongan ini adalah manusia luhur dan suci. Mereka menghayati firman Allah “Katakanlah bahwa sholatku, ibadahku, hidup dan matiku hanyalah untuk Allah Tuhan semesta alam.”

Tetapi beberapa tantangan serius menghadapi mereka. Tidak sedikit kegagalan terjadi jika anak Adam ini tidak berhasil menghadapi tantangan-tantangan tersebut.

Tantangan pertama adalah tantangan pemahaman. Sejauh mana anak manusia memahami apa yang Allah SWT tuntut darinya. Berapa banyak orang yang serius beribadah bahkan mengorbankan segala yang dia miliki untuk suatu hal yang sebetulnya tidak dituntut darinya. Betapa banyak kewajiban ditinggalkan karena melaksanakan ibadah sunah yang tidak prioritas dalam neraca Syariah. Betapa banyak kewajiban kolektif diabaikan padahal itu menyangkut kepentingan umum disebabkan sang manusia lebih asyik dengan ibadah personal yang porsinya bisa dibatasi. Betapa banyak bid’ah yang dianggap sunnah. Betapa banyak sunnah yang dianggap bid’ah.

Tanpa berpegang teguh pada pemahaman yang benar terhadap Qur’an dan Sunnah, sangat sulit seorang muslim dapat dengan tepat melaksanakan peranan dan tugas yang dituntut darinya.

Kesalahan yang paling parah adalah yang terjadi pada golongan yang menganggap bahwa penyerahan diri terhadap Allah adalah bersikap fatalis atau yang dikenal dengan kaum Jabriyah. Bahwa manusia hanya dituntut menyerah pada takdir, tidak perlu berusaha atau merencanakan masa depan yang baik. Iman kepada takdir mereka pahami sebagai sikap pasif terhadap usaha perubahan.

Umar bin Khaththab pernah begitu gusar dengan pemahaman seperti ini, ketika beliau dan beberapa sahabat hendak memasuki daerah yang dilanda wabah. Setelah bermusyawarah akhirnya diputuskan untuk membatalkan kunjungan ke daerah tersebut. Salah seorang sahabat menentang putusan itu, dan berkata, “Apakah kita lari dari takdir Allah?” Umar bin Khaththab terkejut dengan tanggapan tersebut, lalu menjawab, “Iya kita lari dari takdir Allah menuju takdir Allah yang lain.”

The Strength Of Every Muslim Prayer

By Dr Juanda Jaya

Events of the Prophet Adam and Eve removed from the palace of heaven to teach us to make history with the calm perspective of God.

Other than the wisdom of this policy is able to overcome the human angel and the devil, the fall also due to the appetite can sometimes overcome the furor intellect. Finally, with the will of God, life in the world transformed, and the repentance of Adam received zuriat time for people to test there true faith in God even began. Indeed, that is to be the salvation of Adam taubatnya apply to God. Menceritakannya God: "Then Adam received kalimah (academic words to repent). So, Allah accept taubatnya. Allah is Recipient repentance, Most Merciful. "(Surah al-Baqarah, verse 37). Adam trying to teach us how to be honorable men.

Not when God created all creatures to be bowed down to him. However, the influence of the devil and the lust lust may switch the type of being called human beings to be other.

Quoting the Book of Ihya 'Ulumuddin, Imam al-Ghazali examine the nature of the four merosakkan a humanitarian nature of the human being:

First, the nature or wildness subu'iyah. The anger is like love, insidious, like the attack, beat, curse and destroy property. Take a second to rank the nature bahimiyah or brutality. Greedy and greedy as a dog, like the dirty objects such as the illicit wealth, adultery and sodomy. Increased extreme circumstances, if they go to the third rank syaitaniyah nature of the devil with the withdrawal model characteristics such as mean, slicker, play devious, enjoin and prohibit the munkar good.

Kemuncaknya, the nature of the last third, when the nature of the three-gather, then Take the evil man is up to the rank rububiyah nature, namely the divine nature of God would like to own to be seized. The nature of self-pride, proud, mahukan praised and worship people, sukakan glory and high position. Finally he said I am the Lord, not men, I do not deign to obey and comply with the rule because I am. There is nothing evil setanding diriku.Begitulah biggest children of Adam, when they have forgotten God and live in mud kubang a gross sin and revolting.

Learn from a mistake ayahanda human being Prophet Adam to God, after the blunder he repent while praying without the despair of the meaning of His mercy. This is the most noble worship that was first taught by God to pray to him, ie. What is the function of prayer for us?

* First, prayer is the rope of God. As the prayer is also a bond with our God. As a servant of the eternal nature is weak, people always need to relate to God the Exalted. Lafaz not contain the meaning of prayer and hope kebergantungan to Allahus-Somad (Depending Place For God). Acknowledge the weaknesses and the need to self-help and protection of God. When a man does not feel the need of prayer, he was too lofty and proud with the guarantee itself. He has decided that God mengikatnya strap so that the destruction caused terdedah sin forget God. A Muslim should always familiarize himself the name of God in every deeds. Wake up as early as from sleep, bathing, wearing clothes, berwuduk, pray, eat, drink, go out the house, work, learn and bermuamalat fellow human beings. Hatta, husband and wife who menggauli, let all of that with the prayer that accompanied the act with the command and selari telling God.

Truly beautiful relationship between the servant with the Lord. He was so close and never divorced because the object is prayer in the full confidence that Allah is Hearer, Seer.

* Function of prayer is the second goal and dream is owned arranged to tend with in accordance with the request to God. People ask heaven must accompanied with kesungguhannya do Salih. People who ask for blessing a provision should make every effort to get it working. Meanwhile, when he asks for from the avoided crime itself, then he should try not to sin and maksiat. Prayer and endeavor complete complement each other. God's Word means: "... Allah will not change a nation unless they change themselves ..." (Surah al-Ra'd, paragraph 11). Fact that faith is not fancy. He should be with the seriousness or jihad in labor Salih.

* The third function of prayer is as pengubat heart. When self-offense, not dipedulikan, divorced and discarded lovers worship by heart, a feeling that is present slough. If the test and apply the faith cubaan such as lack of property, loss of life, disability, illness, natural disaster and the failure of every struggle, the man who should complain, moan and lean? Each light comes akan expectations, who want to dipohonkan? Confidence and strength to continue living, where penjana power? Only to God the Most Merciful Pengasih.

Prayer is strength for every Muslim, but if it does not work in a way that correct, then the power will be lost, living only lafaz empty without meaning and purpose. Return the function of prayer so that we always get a definitive answer from God.