Kamis, 08 April 2010

Death Penalty More Often Held in Egypt

CAIRO : Court of Egypt has been carrying out the death penalty with "alarming frequency", as the state's effort to stem the increasing crime rate.

More than 269 people have been subjected to capital punishment in 2009, up from 86 people earlier in the year. Human rights groups said the court apparently acted under government pressure to send a strong message to the public.

"We do not see anything like this for more than 200 years," said Nasser Amin, director of the Cairo Center for Independence of the Judicial and Legal Profession based in Arab. "The numbers are alarming, in one case last year 24 people were sentenced to hang, and the other judges impose the death penalty 10 .."

Egypt has extended the application of the death penalty since President Hosni Mubarak took office in 1981. Previously, the death penalty is limited to murder and crimes against the state, now the number of crimes with the death penalty more than 40 and including drug trafficking, rape and arson.

"Over the last 20 years, every time the regime is facing problems, especially social, he was sentenced to death trying to get it done," said Amin. "A member of parliament has recently proposed a public execution in the Tahrir Square (in downtown Cairo)."

A report released last week by the National Council for the Care and Social Development said about population growth, high unemployment, low wages, and the destruction of family life as the principal cause of crime. It said widespread corruption and lack of faith in the legal system has encouraged many people to take their rights by force.

"People are suffering from despair and frustration that leads to violence," the report said.

"This is prevention, particularly in cases of murder," said Mufid Shehab, minister of state for law and parliamentary affairs, in rapar legislature recently. "The punishment carried out with full guarantees of fair trial on several stages, and the penalty is not carried out until the mufti had been weighed in this case."

Egyptian law requires that the Grand Mufti should be consulted for each sentence. State-appointed religious authority must determine whether the punishment contrary to Sharia (Islamic law), which in the Islamic death penalty exists only in four cases: capital murder, armed robbery, adultery and apostasy.

Opinions are not binding and the mufti of President Mubarak who has the power to forgive or to continue the punishment.

Last June a judge imposed the death penalty for 24 defendants involved in the clashes that erupted due to land disputes in the Wadi Natroun, north of Cairo. Eleven people were killed in a firefight that lasted 48 hours.

"More people are sentenced to death by judges than those killed in the crossfire," said Hafez Abu pickup, chairman of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR). "This is really the wrong decision, because they died in a firefight with each other that this murder was not planned .."

Abu pickup is also concerned with the high level of corruption and negligence in the police and judicial systems of Egypt, which increases the risk of executing innocent people. He cited several recent cases where this is believed to have occurred.

Negad El-Borai, a human rights lawyer, said the Egyptian experience has proven that capital punishment is an effective deterrent to crime.

"The Government has imposed the death penalty for drug offenses for more than 20 years, but the actual volume of marijuana distribution (trafficking) is even higher than before," he said. "You can not stop crime by using the death penalty or long prison sentence if you want to solve this problem you must go to the root of the problem."

2050 Half Of Societies IN Europe Are Moeslem

A film that lasted for 7 minutes to attract nearly 10 million visitors in the internet to view them. "Muslim Demographics" are film titles, there are no pictures of people, only the text contains a list of statistics that appear to shift a row with another dafar, set in black and accompanied by Arabic music. The film is in close with a warning to Christians to act in tackling "the danger of" the growth of Islam in the west.

New-born child
Based on the data seems accurate, the filmmakers try to show that Western culture will be threatened and even destroyed in a short time. For example, to maintain the number of people from any cultural group, the average number of births per family should be valued at 2.11 percent.

According to the film, in 2007 the average birth rate in European Union countries 1.38 percent. In Spain, even 1.1 percent. In Muslim families, the average birth rate is much higher: 8.1 percent. In the Netherlands, said today half of the children of new-born is a Muslim and in 2027 half the population is Muslim.

The film showed pictures Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in words ever spoken. "We do not need terrorists, we do not need suicide bombers. Five thousand million Muslims in Europe would turn the continent into a Muslim continent within a few decades. People who had no fear of Muslim invasion of Europe, now would be scared too."

"We do not need terrorists, we do not need suicide bombers. Five thousand million Muslims in Europe would turn the continent into a Muslim continent within a few decades. People who had no fear of Muslim invasion of Europe, now would be scared too."

But is it true those numbers? January Latten from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), another opinion. "Look, its calculations wrong, but the trend right. Moslem child's birth number would be more than thirty years ago. But quantitatively it was excessive. Currently it can be said about twenty percent of the children, her mother was not a Westerner. But we know also that non-Western mothers who are not all Muslims. Nearly half of Muslims did confess. Of the twenty percent of children whose mothers are not Western people, only half, so the ten percent, are Muslim children. "said Jan Latten

Social conflict
This week the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph also reported data on the Muslim countries of the European Union. The numbers in the past thirty years, supposedly increased two fold and will double again in 2015. Therefore, this paper warns, if there are no good integration process, there will be a massive social conflict.

Is this worrying? Create Amr Khaled, an Egyptian preachers and Muslim activists, this is not a worry. In a movie on Youtube as well, this looks preachers declare a pure joy for the rapidly growing Muslim community in Europe. In a speech he said: "It was stated that the number of Muslims in Europe, between 25 to 30 million people. With a laugh he added:" Muslim children, Europe is not. "

Amr Khalid believes, within twenty years, will become majority Muslim in there (Europe, ed.), And could be consequential to influence European policy. (Aa / RNW)

Hisab Difference Day Mawlid of the Prophet 1431H

More than 20 manhaj (method) developed in Indonesia reckoning, reckoning there are always differences in the count. The difference in minutes can still be tolerated, but if the difference is the count of degrees it becomes a problem, the more so if the difference in a matter of days.

These differences were a matter of reckoning will happen because the systems and criteria used in determining the early months of each method is not the same. There are two kinds of criteria used by the methods in determining the beginning of the month, the criteria and criteria imkanurrukyah wujudul Hilal.

NU reckoning that is characterized by jama'i penyerasian reckoning method with rukyah approach or by using the criteria imkanurrukyah. Indicators by empirical criteria minimal imkanurrukyah high moon (TH) 2 degrees, the age of the moon (UB) 8 hours, and location between the sun and moon (BA), 3 degrees and in-tashih with rukyah in the field. This method of reckoning penyerasian tahqiqi quality, tadqiqi or 'ashri.

On the basis of the methods, systems and criteria early in the reckoning Robiul Awwal 1431 H fall on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 and 12 Robiul Awwal 1431 H (Mawlid of Prophet Muhammad SAW) fall on Saturday, February 27, 2010 as contained in the almanac NU 2010. NU did not set a month earlier in the day-Awwal Robiul Monday, February 15th, 2010 because the first day (monday evening) when the new moon sunset 0047'18 ", means that do not meet the criteria imkanurrukyah.

Unlike other almanac almanac-use criteria so that the early months of the new moon wujudul Robiul Awwal 1431 H fell on Monday, February 15, 2010 and December 12 1431 H Robiul early fall on Friday, February 26, 2010.

NU almanac almanac differences with others in the past never happened. When the Department of Religious Aqil Munawwar set era for the initial day of the month Dhu al-Hijjah rukyah in 2003, the NU rukyah stipulate that day falls on the next day. When the era of Religious Affairs Minister Maftuh Basuni set for early Syawwal rukyah day in 2007, NU rukyah stipulate that day falls on the next day and when it set a day for the beginning of the month rukyah Romadhon year 2009, NU rukyah stipulate that day falls on the next day. But these differences can be resolved with rukyah rukyah-organized by the NU managed to see the new moon. If only for the determination day Mawlid of Prophet Muhammad SAW rukyah organized by state, then the right is an almanac InsyaAllah NU which sets the day Prophet Muhammad Mawlid falls on Saturday, February 27, 2010.

It is clear that the difference in days Mawlid of Prophet Muhammad SAW which is 12 Robiul Awwal 1431 H (2010) is because of different criteria.

Such differences matter of reckoning shows that the computation can not be relied upon pooling determination Qomariyyah beginning of the month.

NU develoup The International Education

Jakarta, NU Online
As one of the important areas of concern, NU has now stepped into the international education development. One of the complex is now tilled is Khadija NU integrated education in Surabaya.

Chairman of the NU Foundation Khofifah Indar Parawansa explain kompeks integrated with an area 14.4 hectares is located in Surabaya Sukolilo PRESTRESSED include level of education from Early Childhood Education (ECD) to Higher Education (PT).

"But our priority is going to college first because we already have international school in another location," he said in a press conference held at the NU building, Tuesday (6 / 10).

Khadija college NU is now 54 years old by 2400 the number of students in four places from early childhood through high school level. There are four elementary schools, two junior and one senior high school level teaching in English. Khofifah explains Khadija School NU is the only international-standard Islamic schools in Indonesia, the equivalent of Gandhi Memorial School, Sekolah Ciputra and others.

"For the high school level, using a system of bilingual, English and Arabic, not English with Indonesia like other schools," he said.

Later on college majors that would open a business, finance, banking and management will also be used in English teaching. Laying the first stone of this college will be conducted before the implementation of the NU-32 conference in January next.

In addition to the campus, this educational complex will be equipped with complete facilities such as guest houses, tennis futsal, swimming pools, mosque, library, housing and others.

Vice-chairman of NU Fathoni Rodhi LP Maarif who also attended the meeting to explain the development of international educational institutions within the NU is the answer to the challenges of international competent human resources.

Currently there are 25 schools already under Maarif NU is already an international standard which are all managed independently, in the sense of not depending on the state budget. Some students from schools Maarif it has succeeded in becoming an Olympic champion in international and wish to continue their education in an international environment that NU.

In order to move the achievement of international standards on educational institutions can be quickly implemented NU, NU will hold a meeting among NU education managers from 14 regions and schools with international standards for sharing of experience in educational management.

The meeting will be held in Surabaya Sukolilo Hajj will take place on 8-9 October 2009 with representatives present from Cambridge, England, Turkey Pasiad, AusAID, Embassy of Japan, America, Australia, the director general of Islamic education and R & D Diknas MORA.

"We hope this meeting can encourage the managers of educational institutions in the NU environment to improve standards at the international level," he explained. (Mkf)

Said Aqil will continue the internationality's Aswaja of NU

Makassar, Conference
Internationalization programs Islam wal ahlussunnah pilgrims (Aswaja) NU will still be continued by the elected Chairman of the Conference to NU-32 DR KH Said Aqil Siradj. Section, the NU leadership has been go international since Wahid Hasyim Muzadi followed by ICIS.

"We will continue the internationalization of the NU program," he explained in a press conference after the election in Sudiang Hajj Dormitory, Makassar, Saturday (27 / 3).

Internationalization is, he continued, as a concrete effort to remove the negative impression of Islam. Islam in the international world is still often understood as a terrorist. Thus an intense need to socialize, to avoid misinterpretation.

He also guarantee that if Islamic schools NU numbering 14 thousand, it is not a nest of terrorists. "I guarantee, from 14 thousand boarding schools NU is not a terrorist nest," he said.

Depart from the spirit of full boarding schools in which learning is concerned ahlaq diversity, culture, independence, law and others believed would strengthen the power of the NU. "However, the need for revitalization of boarding schools," his determination.

Through the program back to boarding school, he will actualize the yellow books on the lives of present and future. So that identity values NU will be strengthened. Especially now the NU and the Indonesian people are faced with radical Islamic ideas and terrorists. (Was)