Jakarta, NU Online
As one of the important areas of concern, NU has now stepped into the international education development. One of the complex is now tilled is Khadija NU integrated education in Surabaya.
Chairman of the NU Foundation Khofifah Indar Parawansa explain kompeks integrated with an area 14.4 hectares is located in Surabaya Sukolilo PRESTRESSED include level of education from Early Childhood Education (ECD) to Higher Education (PT).
"But our priority is going to college first because we already have international school in another location," he said in a press conference held at the NU building, Tuesday (6 / 10).
Khadija college NU is now 54 years old by 2400 the number of students in four places from early childhood through high school level. There are four elementary schools, two junior and one senior high school level teaching in English. Khofifah explains Khadija School NU is the only international-standard Islamic schools in Indonesia, the equivalent of Gandhi Memorial School, Sekolah Ciputra and others.
"For the high school level, using a system of bilingual, English and Arabic, not English with Indonesia like other schools," he said.
Later on college majors that would open a business, finance, banking and management will also be used in English teaching. Laying the first stone of this college will be conducted before the implementation of the NU-32 conference in January next.
In addition to the campus, this educational complex will be equipped with complete facilities such as guest houses, tennis futsal, swimming pools, mosque, library, housing and others.
Vice-chairman of NU Fathoni Rodhi LP Maarif who also attended the meeting to explain the development of international educational institutions within the NU is the answer to the challenges of international competent human resources.
Currently there are 25 schools already under Maarif NU is already an international standard which are all managed independently, in the sense of not depending on the state budget. Some students from schools Maarif it has succeeded in becoming an Olympic champion in international and wish to continue their education in an international environment that NU.
In order to move the achievement of international standards on educational institutions can be quickly implemented NU, NU will hold a meeting among NU education managers from 14 regions and schools with international standards for sharing of experience in educational management.
The meeting will be held in Surabaya Sukolilo Hajj will take place on 8-9 October 2009 with representatives present from Cambridge, England, Turkey Pasiad, AusAID, Embassy of Japan, America, Australia, the director general of Islamic education and R & D Diknas MORA.
"We hope this meeting can encourage the managers of educational institutions in the NU environment to improve standards at the international level," he explained. (Mkf)
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