Kamis, 17 September 2009

2 eyes, 2 ears and 1 mouth

We are born with 2 eyes in front of
we face, because we do not
can always look back. But
look at all the fore,
look at our future.

We are born with 2 ears
on the right and the left, so
we can listen to everything from
two sides. To be able to collect
praise and criticism and to select which
right and wrong.

We are born with brains in
our skulls. So no
anything as poor as we are concerned, we
stay rich. Because there will be no
one person who can steal a brain
us, our thoughts and our ideas.
And what we think the brain
we are far more valuable than
the gold and jewels.

We are born with 2 eyes, 2 ears
but we are only given 1 fruit mouth.
Because the mouth is a weapon that
very sharp, the mouth can hurt,
can kill, can mengoda, and
many other things that are not
So remember to speak as little as
maybe but look and listen
as much as possible.

We are born with only 1 heart away
in our ribs.
Reminds us of the appreciation and
gift of love expected to come
from liver
Our deepest. Learning to
love and enjoy what we
be loved but never
expect others to
love us
as we love him.

Give love without asking for replies
and you will find the love that
much more beautiful.


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