Sabtu, 12 September 2009

Intelligence confront and overcome adversity

Adversity Quotient
Intelligence confront and overcome adversity

Smile and be glad in all the gifts today. Does not the sun still shining? Did the birds still sing? Do not we still free to enjoy all the blessings in this nature?

Buddy, have you ever felt life was so scary? Life was not leaving anything other than excessive anxiety to the possibilities that will happen? Money to live a little, while the income is uncertain? The difficulty comes repeatedly whack your soul. Have you experienced this?
That's called adversity (adversity) is very familiar with life! The higher the level of difficulty we're dealing with, the greater the lessons that can be observed. Allah says in the Qur'an Ash-syrah letter paragraph 5:
"Because really, hardship is a convenience."
Buddy, we need to do is one, strengthen your fighting power! Continue to follow step heartstrings the most in, as long as innocent and not Haram keep moving. Set your soul to always focus on the blessings and glory of life. Remember my friend, would still many blessings that we're grateful.

Narrated there was a young man who is still healthy and strong, but every day the work is always complaining and complaining in this life. Failure after failure has repeatedly whipping him. One day when he kept mendumel with complaints. He met an old man who maimed her hands but the old man still working for a living with a sprightly and enjoy life with gratitude. Hearing the young man who continued to complain, the grandfather asked, "O thou young man, if for example there are people asking one hand, and you are given 1 billion. Give thou ". "Certainly not, sir". Then the grandfather went on the question, "When combined 1 billion, but both hands was taken to be 2 billion. You do not Kasihkan what? "No replied the young man. "If everything's added another 10 billion but both hands, both feet, and both eyes and ears taken. You give what is not? "Yes I will. No. What I crazy?. "Lha. O young men think and ponder try it you still got everything. Compare with me who had no arms. So be thankful! Do not Despair!. "Said the grandfather as he passed and continued his work selling newspapers. The young man was aware of terbengong and valuable capital that has been given by Allah. Since then he was no longer complaining and sighing every want to despair, he remembered the advice of the old man missing.

My friend, let us ask our souls and minds.
• Are we still free oxygen?
• Are we still see?
• Are we still able to hear?
• Are we still able to read?
• Are we still able to walk?
• Are we still can tersenyun?
• Are we still healthy?
• Are we still able to eat?
• Do we still have a loved one?

My friend, if most of the answers above is YES and Yes and Yes Yes Yesss. Congratulations and thanks so because there are many others not so lucky and glad kita.Tersenyumlah buddies on all the gifts today. This is the essence of a living intelligence to surpass obstacles. A determination and heart to continue to climb, although the two footprints like cut thorns and sharp knives.
According to Dr term. Paul G. Stoltz Climber bertype be one of a group of people who all his life to climb. The climb is self-improvement and life continued. These groups are always thinking about the possibilities and never let umur.kesehatan, gender, etc. as a barrier to the challenges posed pendakian.Menyambut, felt very confident in something greater than themselves, believe that everything can and will be done, they continued to work smart in his life.

My friend, we are having trouble? Again, thanks! That means we are given the opportunity to hone back sensitivity, sharpness, and our intelligence. Did not we already have the power of survival and could survive until now, one of them because we have many challenges of life in the past? Accept all shades of life that came over to us with full sincerity. Blessed! Life is a matter of choice. Whatever happens outside of ourselves will not fade and the fighting spirit of our lifetimes, as long as we can interpret it correctly. And we can see from the perspective of a true and enlightening. "You can coplain because roses have Thorns, or you can rejoice because Thorns have roses." (You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses.).
Keep the spirit! Tegapkan body! Look at life with meaning. Every dark berakhir.karena would actually be there after the ease of difficulty. Do not Give Up!
(Spiritual Motivator-Faqih N. Sharif H, or

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