Kamis, 03 September 2009

Top From Top of Ramadhan

Currently we are up to 23 days of the month called Ramadan. Months with various attributes of goodness, virtue and the reward is doubled. Ramadan is the peak month. Month of excellence can not be obtained in other months. Dipuncak month but there's still another peak. Among 30 nights 30 days there was one night that if we worship in them is equivalent to 1000 months of worship. Unfortunately, many people do not realize it.

About a week ago, I held Bakti Sosial one item that is selling cheap commodities. The true basic food packages for 25,500 that we sell at a price of 20000. Only in about a half hour, sembakopun sold fetched. All enthusiastically took it, for the difference in 5500 alone.

Some time ago to get 30,000 to charity for 40000, in Jember mothers fought each other and 20 lives lost as a result. 30,000 for a life.

That night was a serious night. Assessed as a charitable deeds for the same 1000 month. Equivalent to 83.33 years. Therefore a Muslim is aware of the hunt that night, because it does not easily doubled the reward a good deed by that much.

Night night adalam unknowns, where he was, however, a strong information indicates that he fell on an odd night on the last day sebuluh in the month of Ramadan.

Like last night, in the Manarul Ilmi, each year there will always be a proverb that night hunters. Indeed, the game will not add to THR, will not be able to advance home. But this is a long-term investment, the lungs can we take the result after we finish our duty to live on this earth.

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