Sabtu, 12 September 2009

The Power of Gratitude

"If ye are grateful, certainly we will add (favors) unto you, and if you deny (My favor), then My punishment is very painful."
(TQS.Ibrahim: 7)

Pal, sincere gratitude is a component of the first and most important. Because it is necessary to understand its meaning and done correctly. Many people are still wrong in applying gratitude. Humans also tend to be difficult to be grateful and enjoy what was on hand because it is always expected that did not have. That's because the current work is the mind and not her heart. As a result, in addition to hard to be grateful, too easy to complain. And unfortunately, when we complained it did with a vengeance. Really felt. Remember, the strength of feeling vibration far greater than the power of the mind, so with that what we are complaining about is what often comes to us.

My friend, the best way to be grateful is to recognize and appreciate the pleasure in the slightest to live everyday life as expressed in the words of gratitude to God. Whatever is happening, good or bad, should all be lived and enjoyed and utilizing an optimal potential for our devotion to Allah.

Buddy, thanks also affects the peace of mind. Because in essence, gratitude is to remember Him Who is Giving. He is the Merciful. He is the Most everything. And by continuing to remember all the greatness of God that we can find peace of mind.

My friend, what have you have is a drop of hope that will give birth spirit, then a drop of hope became a key power of prayer. If we appreciate what good there, then Allah will increase our pleasure. This is the promise of God as the word of God that we write an article on the letter at the beginning ibrahim paragraph 7. Need we recall that the additional pleasure will not come by itself. Therefore, gratitude must be active, which is always accompanied by the process. Among the basic techniques in the process of active gratitude:
• grateful for what you have, do not be shy and continue to develop what you have.
• grateful for the slightest and always make improvements, God willing, will come new innovations.
• Heal the habit argued, set and move toward your goal, focus toward the target.
• Looking at the disaster, failure, and disasters as a form of attention and love of God.
• Always assume good faith on Allah.
• Always look at from the point of view and a good side, because everything is there lesson.
• Willing to learn from the rank below, to learn the factors that affect the business and your prayers. Convinced that the efforts and prayers were answered and the patient with terkabulnya prayer.

Buddy, as the cover of this brief article I need to sentence one of the wonders of gratitude from the findings Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist famous. Based on research results mentioned that if we are grateful or thankful in the presence of water, the water molecules form a crystal of beautiful and fascinating. 75% of our body consists of water, and a brain comprises 74.5% water. Darahpun mengadung 82% water. Even keraspun bone contains 22% water. Subhaanallah how great the human body if every second, minute, and the clock is always decorated with gratitude sentence. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil'alamin.
(Spiritual Motivator - N. Faqih Sharif H, or

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