Rabu, 23 September 2009


We believe ... whoever we are, at any of our social strata, prosfesi any of us, wherever we stand on earth would want to be the one to be missed by syurganya Allah SWT. Place in the dream of all the creatures of God, a place that does not sound in which words are useless, pointless and a lie, inside a flowing spring, thrones raised high, glasses of liquor that is located near, cushions set in rows, rugs, carpets, gardens and vineyards, teenage girls the same age. Enggak imagine the beauty of heaven? ....

Prophet Muhammad, said: "Syurga missed four people:

First, people who always read the Qur'an. It seems reasonable if heaven miss this qur'an experts from the world just because they are serviced by God with inner peace, mercy, love, glory and always remembered by Him.

Second, guard your tongue. It spineless tongue but he is more sharp than a sword, its impact will lead to war between husband and wife, between groups, even between the two nations. Negative effects will make people miserable, would eliminate the reward which we make such a fire consuming fuel, will make a fast become empty and futile. But if we keep it, Subhan Allah ... so much pleasure will we achieve, with our oral preaching, by oral bertilawah we, with our verbal supplication.

Third, giving the hungry food. Really, thank Allah (Syakuur) would return the smallest of our kindness to others. When we give drink to the thirsty brother God will give us a drink on the Day of Resurrection, while the people were hit by thirst, When we feed to our brother who is hungry, Allah will give us to eat when hungry people at the end of the day later, when we give clothes to our brother in this world, Allah will give us beautiful clothes while naked people on the day of reckoning later, when we facilitate the business of our brothers who are dihimpit difficulties and problems, be assured that God will facilitate our business from this world. God's help will come to a servant when the servant helps his brother.

Fourth, people who fasted in the month of ramadan. In the month of glorious, blessed, grace, forgiveness is God promised we will release from the fire of hell, the pain of cruel punishment and torment of hell when we fast, and started the night with prayer, and qiro'at any kholwat and worship with only His ridho expect.
When the four charities we are doing this, it seems only natural that our longing for heaven ... Amen
Salam wisatahati,
Ustadz Ahmad Jameel

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