Sabtu, 12 September 2009

Do not Like Donkey or More Severe

Have you ever heard the saying "Only a donkey that fell into the same hole twice." This proverb is an expression of ignorance someone who does not want to take advantage of the same mistakes. In fact, the Prophet Muhammad. forbid us to behave like an ass from the hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah ra.: From the Prophet., he said: A believer can not fall twice in the same hole. (Saheeh Muslim, No.5317).

How in reality? It turned out much worse, namely those who fall multiple times on the same hole, more than twice. On the other hand, many people feel have never dropped and he was smart. And he did not fall because he was in the hole, so do not fall again, unless there is a hole in the hole.

The first case can occur with three possible

1. He never learned from previous mistakes. People like the type of person who does not want to use reason and do not want to learn. He will focus blame other people or circumstances than to find the root pemasalahan always there in him.
2. He did not know the mistakes that will be undertaken. Usually if the cause of error does not appear, it often happens if the disease is in mindsetnya. He may do perbaikian, but not the mindsetnya, then the repairs would be in vain.
3. He knew his mistake but did not make changes. There are people like this, sometimes I am confused to explain it. "Sama is a rich man sich gini?" Maybe, just being lazy. Another cause of misunderstanding is the destiny, he said if he lived like it was destiny. Nothing can be changed.

The second case is a real person he was in the hole. He did not feel down because it already exists under the hole. The reason for not realized that she was under. Why was not aware of? Perhaps because of the lack of insight. He thought he had a good life and reasonable so as not to move.

To avoid that we do not become like an ass or even worse then we need to continue to improve. Began to increase knowledge, skills, and the most important is our mindset. Never be enough, because it was a loss. Make today better than yesterday.

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